Improved Post Submission UX in Composer
After submitting a post in Composer, only a small pop-up notification appears.
There is no clear confirmation that the post was sent.
This leads to a high risk of accidentally sending duplicate posts.
The UI needs improvement to make the submission process more intuitive.
Proposed Solutions:
Implement a more noticeable success message.
Redirect the user to a list of sent posts.
Provide an option to confirm resending a post.
Reduces the risk of duplicate posts.
Improves user experience.
Increases confidence in the publishing process.
Example Implementation:
A modal window with the message "Post successfully submitted!" could appear after clicking the "Submit" button.
A "Go to Sent" button could be included in the modal window.
A confirmation prompt like "Are you sure you want to submit this post again?" could be displayed when resending a post.